How To Take Mommy Blogger Pictures With A Wild + Unwilling Toddler

This isn’t going to be easy.
Blogger Moms Unite!

Blogging about my life as a mommy is the reason that I started my blog. I wanted to create a time capsule of my journey as a first time mama – I love that I’m also able to share it and connect with other moms too! But, half of mommy blogging is all about the babies, not just the mama. When Logan was little it was so easy to take pictures together because well, he wouldn’t/couldn’t move around yet. But, now that he is a fully mobile and energetic 1.5 year old… GOOD LUCK MOM! 

As my blog has grown more into a fashion blog, I’ve been including shots with Logan less and less. I recently took a look at my feed and realized there were barely any pictures of my boy. I decided to try a photo shoot with my toddler again – only to realize what an impossible task that was.

Taking a picture with Logan is like trying to take a picture with a hungry lion. First off, he’s a runner. So taking him anywhere, let alone to a shooting location to take some pictures is a big risk. It’s hard to find locations in Toronto that have little foot traffic and no real traffic. Once we let the beast free from the stroller, he usually bolts. I’m talking full speed, as fast as he can away from us. So basically, it’s nearly impossible to take a perfectly posed photo.

How To Take Mommy Blogger Pictures With A Wild + Unwilling Toddler

Step 1: Be Realistic

This may or may not happen. I try to plan a photo shoot around an activity (a walk, lunch date, day trip). That way there are other things happening (ahem, distractions) to help you get that perfect shot.

Step 2: Bribery

My toddler is ALWAYS go, go, go. The only way to get him to sit still is with a treat. If I want him to sit or stand with me for a couple of pictures, I will opt for a cookie. He’s going to be eating in the picture, but at least he’s going to be happy!

Step 3: Make it fun

The chance of getting a perfectly posed picture is very unlikely. For this reason, I love the candid ones. Have your photographer follow you around as you do everyday things. Some of my favorite ones are:

  • Throwing him up in the air
  • Tickling
  • Chasing them/Walking
  • Kisses
  • Playing

Step 4: Plan ahead

Before you go out to shoot, get some photo inspiration from your favorite bloggers. Check out some poses to keep in mind for yourself. Once you’ve got them you can squeeze in your wild child.

I never try to force him to take pictures with me. There is something so wrong with parents who force their kids into taking pictures + videos for social media. I will always let Logan run around and play instead of taking a picture. If you start to see him disappearing from my feed, know that it’s been a very hyper week for my boy.

Plus, you always have the option to shoot yourself while they are playing! Be confident mama, you are gorgeous!

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  1. April 24, 2018 / 5:51 pm

    Thanks for the great tips! I really need to try this! My small child is incredibly hard to get on camera!

  2. Krystal Miller
    April 24, 2018 / 7:11 pm

    My toddler is so hard to photograph. When she knows I’m trying, she’ll purposely get an attitude!

  3. April 25, 2018 / 8:48 am

    As the mother of two toddlers, I know how difficult it can be to take good pictures when the little ones are always moving. I rarely get a good mother-child picture. Most of the time it is me snapping pics of them while they are mid-action. Candid pictures are great ideas. I like your sense of style!

  4. April 25, 2018 / 3:29 pm

    Oh man. I don’t know if I could handle trying to regularly take professional looking pictures with my kids. Good job and thakns for the great tips.

  5. April 25, 2018 / 10:11 pm

    toddlers are unpredictable! thats why I dont try staging too many photos with mine