Summer Review – Looking Back at ALL My Best Memories + Outfits

This summer was probably one of the best summers that I have ever had. I have had more fun and spent 10000% more time in the sun than in the past 4 years. Let’s take a look back at all my favorite memories and more importantly my best outfits from this summer!

First off, this summer I decided to go for a more natural blonde look. I tried a shadow root and it was such a shock – but I absolutely loved it!

We made it to the beach about once a week which was amazing. Even though we sadly learned that it wasn’t safe to swim in the lake (thanks Ontario) we found a great pool close by that we went to after a bit of playing in the sand. One of my favorite times was when we were swimming in the pool. I was holding Logan and he said ‘Mommy I farted’. I said, ‘do you need to poop?’. He said no, and then about 2 seconds later looked at me with fear and said YES. As fast as we could we bolted out of that pool. So that was really fun…

We also got to explore a little bit more of the local hidden gems. One of my favorite spots was Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls. I used to go there all the time when I was little, and getting to relive it was so exciting. We went with our whole little family and even brought my mom. It was a really special day and we had so much fun as a family.

I also got to explore more of my city, Toronto. We did a few fun touristy things and went to some museums. We even went to the most iconic Toronto landmark, the CN Tower. I was terrified – I’m slightly afraid of heights, and I hate small spaces – I didn’t think I could handle making it to the top. But, I did, and we had so much fun up there! It was such an amazing view of the city and I even could see our house from the top.


I met my AMAZING photographer Haris. We have created so many amazing photos together. It really has helped elevate my blog and Instagram. I would even have to say that thanks to him, my portfolio went from what I thought was professional to actually professional.


One of the most important things that happened to me this summer, is that I stood beside my best friend, Brianna as she got married. From the planning to the Bachelorette to the Rehearsal Dinner and then her special day, we had the most amazing time. I’m so happy we got to share that special day.


I really just became a different person this summer and it’s kind of weird to describe. I’m at such a better place in my life and I’m so happy. I went into the summer feeling pretty good about myself, I worked hard all winter and lost a little bit of my mommy weight. I just spent the past few months, living my best life, eating everything in sight, not caring about calories or the scale, it was wonderful. I also ate one of the most delicious meals of my life, that I literally reminse about every. Damn. Day. If you haven’t had Burrata, HONEY… you are missing out. I stopped caring about my dairy allergy and just went for it with this giant cheese ball. It was immediately scarfed down, and then a second was ordered. At the start of the summer, I was a Mexican girl – all I wanted were burritos and nachos. Now, I’m ending the summer being obsessed with Italian. Pizza, Pasta, Cheese, Olives, Tomatos, Eggplant, yeah, give it all to me.



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