Skin Care Routine with Meg 21

Skinny Tan

I recently found Meg 21 – a skin care line that infuses Supplamine to promise: Ageless, Healthy Skin, Free of Toxic Sugar. So basically I can eat as many treats as I want without it showing the next day on my skin.

Hello Donuts!

What is Supplamine?

Meg 21 is the only skin care line that offers this miracle agent. Supplamine is an added ingredient that interferes with the pigmentation process. Essentially, the biochemical process that forms melanin (dark pigment in skin) causes our skin to break out in dark spots, age spots, liver spots, and freckles.

Personally, my skin is HIGHLY prone to freckling – my arms and face especially. Thankfully, Meg 21 has created their unique line with Supplamine as well as other natural lightening ingredients to give everyone beautiful skin.

My Results:

For the past few weeks I have been using the Brightening Gel Cleanser and the Bright & Firm Eye Treatment twice a day. The biggest difference I’ve noticed is that my sleepy mommy eyes have disappeared. Yes, I know I’m young – but being a mom isn’t easy, it’s extremely exhausting! Since I was 5 months pregnant and sleep deprived I noticed these dark purple circles under my eyes. I have been going through so much concealer trying to cover up the fact that I haven’t slept in months. When I wash my face in the morning with the Brightening Gel Cleanser I feel rejuvenated and I look like I got a whole 9 hours of sleep (when I only got 5 – Logan.. WHY?). I’ve also had fewer breakouts and I have noticed that my pores have gotten smaller too.

I have VERY sensitive skin (I’m talking I have to make my own laundry detergent sensitive) – so I’m very wary about the products I add into my routine. Yeah, I’m one of those people. Before I found Meg 21, I was using the same face care combo since high school. I’m so happy that I found a new treatment that does more for my skin.

Why I love it:

Self care is so important as a mama. Sometimes we forget about taking care of ourselves too. I love the Meg 21 gel cleanser because it’s so easy. Simply washing my faces makes my skin feel brighter and better. When I look in the mirror and I see glowing skin, that doesn’t need to be concealed, I feel more confident and radiant.



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