Working on Reaching My Dream Audience – Growing My Blog

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This post has been sponsored by Russell Brunson and his new book Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers – all thoughts and opinions are my own.

The goal of every blogger is to have someone read their blog – but who?

When I started my blogging journey, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. This started as a creative outlet for myself – however it quickly turned into an influential space for others. While I was sharing my everyday ‘mom-life’ ideas and inventions, my audience grew and began digesting my content rather quickly. The need for more blog posts, tutorials, videos, photos, and life updates soon took over my whole life!

I’m happy to say I’m now a full time blogger and I love nothing more than this! But, since I’m still a mom, I don’t have as much time as I would like to focus solely on my business. One of my recent growth goals for my website wasn’t reached, so I decided it was time to do something about it. I recently started a 30 Day Challenge inspired by Russell Brunson’s new book – Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers. By completing the 30-day challenge, I’m learn key strategies to increase my blog’s website traffic and helping to grow my social media following.

One Big Problem

One of the biggest problems that most business owners have isn’t creating; it’s getting customers to discover that they exist. This truth is exactly the same for bloggers and content creators. We have an endless supply of ideas to share, but sometimes lack the know how of marketing ourselves. For me, identifying the fact that my blog was actually a business helped me better evaluate my current position as a business owner. Knowing where I am helps me create my goals and find the next steps for my website and social media content.

One Big Solution

As you begin to treat your blog like a business, you will see your readers as clients or customers instead of readers. This in turn helped me develop a sound strategy for my business. I would need to learn about my ‘customers’ to create better structured content that elicits growth in my website traffic and social media following. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been learning about my target clients and how I can better serve them. Some of my current favorite take aways from the 30 Day Challenge are:

Joining Facebook Groups – I’m in a few Facebook groups for bloggers and creatives. It’s a great space to ask questions, get advices, and also support some new friends.

Identify Keywords – Learning and researching my key topics on my blog has my mind fluttering with new post ideas!

Connecting Youtube to My Blog – By creating content on Youtube and my blog, I’m making my content more searchable! As some people favor video to written content, having both readily available can help increase my traffic.

You can buy Russell Brunson’s new book Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers now by clicking the link HERE.

How are you going to grow your website today?


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