2 Month Check-Up Expectations


We just recently had our 2 Month Check Up appointment with Logan. I wasn’t too sure what should be happening here. I asked other mamas what to expect and they couldn’t recall – unfortunately. Basically, I was mentally preparing myself for the needles – needless to say I was freaking out. I wasn’t able to prepare myself or think of anything else as we got to the doctors office. For this reason – I wasn’t able to answer MANY of the questions that the doctor was asking me.

So here we are – this is what happened at our check up:

1. Overall Examination of the Baby’s appearance

The doctor checked out Logan’s body. He check to see how his legs and arms were growing. How his belly button looks after the umbilical cord had fallen off. How his skin looked – if he had any redness or rashes.

Basically that he looked bigger, stronger and more alert.

2. Asking about the Baby’s Habits and Behaviors

He asked about Logan’s sleeping habits – naps and bedtime. How long and how often he is sleeping. Also how long and often he is awake – and happy that he is awake. If he is making any sounds or trying to talk. If he is able to focus on my face and mimic my expressions – mainly just smiling back at me.

He said he was going to ask about eating habits, but Logan is obviously chunky – so he didn’t bother. He just asked if we were still breastfeeding. He mentioned that Logan can start to have a little bit of water – about 1 to 2 ounces per day.

All about diapers. He asked how often Logan is pooping – and how many wet diapers he has per day.

3. Checking the Baby’s hearing

He used this little device that he put into Logan’s ear. It would make a little sound and if the baby responded by moving or crying, they passed. He also checked by clapping on either side of his head to see if he tried to follow the sound.

4. Measuring the Baby

This was funny to watch. Logan is a little worm and he squirms and moves constantly. The doctor tried to measure his head circumference, body length and belly width. Needless to say he did not get an accurate measurement…

5. Weighing the Baby

Placing the baby on the scale, he mentioned to us that generally, a baby will double their weight by 4 months – so we should expect Logan to have gained around 2-3 pounds – to be around 10 pounds. I was not expecting it – but my guy weighs 13 pounds – he doubled his weight since his 1 week check up. He’s a little fat boy.

6. Administering the Needles

I was terrified for the needles. I have read and heard all of the horror stories after babies receive vaccines. Saying that it is torturing the baby and that he will never be the same.

Well after both needles and the little drink – Logan cried for a total of about 45 seconds. He was grumpy, don’t get me wrong – but he was ok. It wasn’t at all how I thought it would be – and now I can take him to all the baby classes without being scared of him getting sick.


That was our experience! Yours may differ – of course everyone’s will – but the generally the doctor will administer the same tests. I felt so much better after this appointment. To know that your baby is growing and is reaching all of his milestones makes me feel a sense of accomplishment.

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  1. January 20, 2017 / 8:54 pm

    I’m sorry to hear you were freaking out about your baby’s doctor visit. I’ll be honest–no one likes the needles. but as you mentioned at the end of your post, it’s very exciting to see how your baby has grown and the milestones he’s met! It’s also a time for you to ask any questions you may have so you can set your mind at ease. Hope you’re a little more excited for the next visit!

    • 12mama12blonde12inka
      January 22, 2017 / 12:14 am

      Still dreading the rest of the needles.
      I am more excited for the next visit – mainly for the fact that he should be ready to try the baby cereal!
      Maybe that will mean he is going to sleep through the night…